Is Pest Control in Vaughan Safe for Kids and Pets?

If you are a parent, the safety of your children is perhaps your topmost priority. You may also know that pest treatments can prove invasive as well as dangerous for your kids and pets. However, it depends on the type of pest control service you choose for pest control in Vaughan. The deployment of pest treatment methods plays a significant role in determining whether pest treatments are safe or not. 

The Safety of Professional Pest Control vs. DIY Options

Professional pest control methods are much safer to deploy, in contrast to DIY options for pest control. DIY methods, including the use of Diatomaceous Earth (DE), vinegar, or bleach, are often depicted as effective and healthier pest control methods. Nevertheless, these methods aren’t only ineffective but can also indicate lung irritants in a home space. On the other hand, professionals know how to rightly apply chemicals to target pests while ensuring the safety of others.

Instead of keeping pest populations low with preventative measures, parents typically choose DIY pest control options. It’s understandable that parents take a DIY route because they want to eradicate the pest problem fast. Nonetheless, DIY methods prove problematic and ineffective in the end for a variety of reasons. We are going to tell you next: How?

Problems with DIY Pest Control Treatments

Diatomaceous Earth is a common DIY method that people often choose for pest extermination. DE works as follows: It blocks or damages mucous membranes alongside breathing apparatuses of small insects. As a result, it kills insects slowly, and it has a reputation as a popular DIY because of its effects. Nonetheless, Diatomaceous Earth is also dangerous to use if you have children or the elderly in your home with weak lungs. It is also dangerous to use for pest control if you have pets in your home with curiosity to smell anything.

Besides DE, vinegar and bleach are two other options for pest control. However, bleach and vinegar are also hazardous to use for pest control. Both vinegar and bleach can volatilize into the air and burn lungs because they contain compounds to do that. Vinegar and bleach may not affect the health of a healthy adult but sensitive populations that we mentioned earlier.

In addition, you may get your hands on Over-the-Counter (OTC) pest control products after seeing an ad. Nevertheless, OTC products aren’t as effective as products that professionals use to ensure green pest control. You will likely choose a broad-spectrum pesticide with noxious chemicals for pest control if you’re unaware of the pest situation. Contrarily, pest control services, such as Pesticon, will deploy eco-friendly pesticides for pest control in Vaughan.

How Is Professional Pest Control Safe for Your Family and Pets? 

You shouldn’t test your luck with DIY pest treatments that you may find on the internet. Instead, you should capitalize on the knowledge and expertise of pest control professionals. Further, you should choose a pest control service that only deploys eco-friendly methods for pest eradication. Pest control services that deploy eco-friendly methods ensure the safety of children and pets with families on a property.

Moreover, reputable pest control services have comprehensive knowledge of habitats and life cycles of pests in particular areas they serve. It aids professionals in targeting pests with the right chemicals while ensuring the safety of everyone on properties, excluding pests.

Some Pest Prevention Tips for Homeowners to Keep Their Homes Pest-Free

  1. Don’t let sources on your property allow standing water. To ensure it, tightly cover your gardening instruments and keep wheelbarrows upside down to prevent them from collecting water.
  2. Fix all cracks in windows and screens to make sure pests don’t get access to your residential space.
  3. Make sure you securely store food in airtight containers. Plus, don’t allow fruits on the counter if they get too ripe prior to putting them in the fridge.  
  4. In the summer, it is highly unlikely for you to avoid pests, irrespective of the preventative steps you may take. For the same reason, you should contact a pest control service in the summer for pest control to save your time and money.

Professional pest control is always safer to use than DIY pest treatment. However, you need to make sure you choose a pest control service with a reputation for green pest control. It will ensure the safety of your children and pets in your home, in addition to your property.


As a parent, your top priority will remain the safety of your children in your home. Furthermore, you may already know that pest treatments can prove dangerous for your children and pets. DIY pest treatments, such as DE, vinegar, and bleach, are ineffective and hazardous to use in the long run. Contrarily, contacting a professional with a reputation for green pest control in Vaughan ensures the safety of your children and pets. Taking preventative measures against pests beforehand can help you restrict pests from infesting your space. Lastly, professional pest control is your best bet, even when preventative measures don’t prove helpful to you. 

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