PPC strategies to use that may improve business ROI

PPC stands for pay per click. It is a famous model of internet marketing in which the advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. It is the way of buying visits to the site rather than simply attempting to earn those visits organically.


The most popular form of PPC is search engine advertising. It is the form of advertising that allows the advertisers to bid for advertisement placement in a search engine’s sponsored links when anyone searches on a keyword related to their business offering. 


PPC is an integral part of an effective marketing strategy. However, poor tactics can burn your ad budget and negatively affect your PPC results. PCC has been around for more than twenty years. Marketers spend 80% of their ad spend on PPC campaigns. It is very essential to strategize your PPC campaigns to elevate the growth of your business.


Following are some of the strategies to improve your PPC campaign-

Choose the right platforms to advertise

When we speak about PPC ads, the first thing that comes to mind is Google ads. Through Google ads, we can reach millions of people who can be your potential customers. However, you should not limit your advertising strategy to Google ads only. You can also run the ads on various social media platforms to help you build your brand awareness. It also builds customer loyalty and boosts sales. The decision of choosing the right platforms is dependent upon your audience. You need to research the available ad networks before including them in the strategy you follow. It is crucial to look at the ROI on each platform.

Following are some popular platforms for PPC advertising-

  • Google ads

This platform allows you to reach 90% of the internet users with Google display and responsive ads. You can also target the audiences based on what they are searching for, and you will be able to target them with your products when searching for different types of options on another website through the display ads.

  • Meta ads

Through Meta ads manager, you can create ads in different formats such as videos, images and carousel. Meta targeting is done on the basis of demographics and interests of the buyer persona.

  • Instagram ads

Various businesses use Instagram ads to drive awareness and increase their customer base. The ads on the platforms create hooks for the audience through appealing visuals.


Include social media in your PPC advertising campaign

It is a well-known fact that the effectiveness of social media ads is higher than Google ads since the ads appear directly in your feed. Thus, it decreases the effectiveness of the ad blocker.


Paid search is keyword-focused, and paid social ads to focus more on demographics and persona. It leads to new ways to target your audience.

Paid social media advertisements give you the liberty to use various ad types and formats like images, texts and videos.


Launch a remarketing ad campaign

Retargeting is remarketing to the people based on the site visits or the people who are willing to know more about the product and services. According to a survey, 92% of your website’s online traffic will not buy anything on their first visit, and when you start using remarketing to retarget the same visitor, they are 70% more likely to purchase from your advertisement rather than your competitors. 


Try a lookalike and similar audiences.

A similar or a lookalike audience is a parallel list created by the platform. Facebook and Google are the social media platforms that use your existing followers, customer or website visitors. This list includes people who have similar interests and clicking habits.


A lookalike audience allows your business to target with accuracy. However, you should provide initial data about your website visitors.


In the Google ads, you should have at least 100 users’ data to get a similar audience. Your conversion rate might go up by more than 40% when your retargeting campaign is combined with your lookalike and similar audience. Your sales are greatly increased by it.


Design mobile-friendly landing pages

More than 50% of internet traffic comes from mobile devices. More than 40% of online transactions happen through mobile devices. 


Many people use On-page SEO services as these services optimize your website for improving its visibility on the search results on different types of search engines.

Optimizing the website’s landing pages according to the mobile is very important. However, some people often forget the importance of mobile-friendliness when it comes to PPC campaigns.

Following are some critical points you should take into consideration-

  • The page loading speed should take an average of three seconds to load your website on the mobile.
  • It is very important to link the relevant landing page with the ad.
  • One should ensure that the landing page is functional and intuitive.


Advertising budget

The major problem with a lot of failed PPC campaigns is the low budget. The most important factor to get the result from the PPC campaigns is setting the budget to target the right kind of audience which helps you achieve your goals.

You should have a realistic budget to help you with the different stages of PPC marketing. Following are some of the examples you should take into consideration-

  • Researcher the averages in the industry.
  • Selecting the right keywords.

           You should research your averages and know how the competitors spend on the PPC campaigns. 


Make your Ad copy click-worthy

The PPC strategies need to focus on top-notch ad copy. Your copy should be relevant and intriguing and it should compel people to click on your ads.

The headline, description and visuals must have a hooking ad copy for grabbing the attention of the customers. You should target your audience with an awareness campaign. 

Following are some of the ways to create better copy that generates more clicks-

  • Add unique offerings.
  • Highlight promotions.
  • Focus on the benefits.
  • It is important to link the relevant landing page with the ad.


             Good copy development takes some amount of time. However, once you learn to understand your audience and address their wants in your ad copy, it will impact the performance of your campaign in a positive way.


Use responsive search and display ads

For the growth of your business, you should know how these responsive ads help you to automate your PPC strategy. They use the power of Google ads to adjust their size, appearances and formats for fitting available ad spaces.

Following are the two types of responsive ads one can make use of-

  • Responsive display ads

These are the ads that are automatically created by Google using the assets provided by you. Google automatically adjusts the size and the format of your assets to fit available ad spaces on the Google Display Network.

  • Responsive search ads

They let you create an advertisement that adapts to show more text. They also help you show more relevant messages to your customers. You should enter multiple headlines and descriptions when creating a responsive search ad. The Google ads will test different combinations. After gauging the combinations, they learn which combinations will perform the best.

You can have the flexibility of experimenting with the ad copy, descriptions and headlines.



Perform the A/B split tests

You can get to know which design can bring in the best results through A/B split testing. It is very critical to your paid ad campaign. The major goal of testing your advertisement is to increase your conversion rate and your click-through rate.

With the A/B split tests, you can also compare the performance of different ads in your control group by their data. It can help you improve your PPC strategy by optimizing your ads accordingly. 


Revisit your keywords selection

Keyword research is the best aspect of your PPC strategy. The secret of the most successful advertisers is that they never stop researching. They keep growing their keyword list through different types of tools.

  • Long-tail keywords

Your keyword research should be a perfect combination of the short-tail as well as the long-tail keywords. The long-tail keywords add up to account for the majority of the search-driven traffic. The best part about these keywords is that they lower your cost-per-click cost. 

  • Include negative keywords

It is important to include negative keywords in your PPC keyword strategy. A list of negative keywords prevents the search engines from showing your ads to irrelevant audiences. They also save your cost-per-click. 


Revisit keyword match types

Following are the three types of keyword match offerings-

  • Exact match

In this match type, the keyword matches word for word and there is no change in the sequence.

  • Broad match

This is the default setting of Google for all types of keywords.

  • Phrase match

It tells Google how to show your ads for queries.


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